Saturday, March 12, 2016

Removing Mad4media copyright Link On Joomla Proforms

I installed Proforms Basic component which is excellent form builder component for joomla and it's also free.
But problem is this component by default has backlink / copyright link under form.Which is very odd and annoying.

It's very hard to remove that link. I was searching every file of this component but could not find that backlink. I spent several hours to solve this. 1st i found they use JavaScript for this backlink and that was encrypt so it's hard to find in which file that put that.
At last  somehow  i found a solution.

1. Go to site/component/com_proforms/views/form/tmpl open default.php file
check line 67 <div class='proformsFormWrap'  edit to  proformsFormWrap1

2. Go to site/component/com_proforms/css open responsivesystem.css file
replace all proformsFormWrap   to  proformsFormWrap1

That's it.

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