Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Best way to add/insert to array in php

$array = array();
for (
$x 1$x <= 100000$x++)
$array[] = $x;
takes 0.0622200965881 seconds


= array();
for (
$x 1$x <= 100000$x++)

takes 1.63195490837 seconds

so if your not making use of the return value of array_push() its better to use the $array[] way.

Hope this helps someone.

Best way to add/insert to array in php

$array = array();
for (
$x 1$x <= 100000$x++)
$array[] = $x;
takes 0.0622200965881 seconds


= array();
for (
$x 1$x <= 100000$x++)

takes 1.63195490837 seconds

so if your not making use of the return value of array_push() its better to use the $array[] way.

Hope this helps someone.

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